Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Settling down

So we moved in and were trying to settle down in the new home sweet home. Our goods that we had shipped from India had also arrived and we had boxes, boxes everywhere and not a bit of enthu to unpack. We had gotten used to that suitcase life in the hotel that we were not prepared for a full fledged house living which will only involve more work! But we just loved the house for the amazing amount of light and breeze, we saw and experienced all the geometry of the sun rays in that house.
Brighter side of kitchen
Our landlord's painting adorns the living
the brightly lit coffee nook
There were so many things happening in parallel, little one had to start going to the all-hebrew kindergarten, I had strated my Hebrew lessons and driving lessons ( i had to be certified by a school that I can drive in that foreign land, so had to undergo 8 hrs of driving training in that mountainous range), unpacking at home, laundry, setting up the kitchen with all groceries, my husbands work had also double folded.
Signs of improvement - one by one,the empty boxes got
moved to the balcony
Amidst all the mess, the rain Gods decended and just made my day on that one mad day!
Rain drops on the window
whenever it rains, a stream runs through the valley
 just beside the house

Click, Click, Click and I enjoyed the rains drip, drip,drip...

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