Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Acre (Akko) continued...

There are so many pictures from Akko through the year that I am having a tough time in choosing the ones to publish here. We have visited this place many times in 15 months and have seen the area through length and breadth during all the seasons of Israel. Should there be a most-frequented or repeated weekend trip, Akko wins it hands down.

In my earlier post, I missed mentioning about the port or harbour in Akko.
Akko Port
The clock tower, the city and the port
The port area is a very windy and noisy part of the town. There are boats that take the tourists on a boat ride for about 20 NIS per head, they play the all jazzy arabic music. Some shops along the shore play some funky remixed versions of hebrew music albums. Young boys offer some rides on their donkeys/mules and horses.
A stone whale structure by the bay
the bay in and during sunset yellow
the boat rides
We talked about the museum somewhere while walking along the wall. A combined ticket can be purchased for the museum and the Knight's citadel. Some pictures of the antique and historical pieces.
Enter the museum
a piece inside the museum
old crockery
a pharmacy corner
The Knight's citadel and prison has an audio tour that can be borrowed at a price. The audio is available in Hebrew, English and a couple of European languages. It was all dark and not enough lighting since most of it is all underground. The citadel's walls and pillars are so massive!
Knight's Citadel
The Templar's tunnel is an accidental discovery in the late 1880s when a resident in Akko was investigating his plumbing problem. It is worth a walk through the Km long tunnel for 10 NIS per head. It leads you from the middle of the town from beneath the clock tower to the light house. (see here) Few parts of the tunnel are as low as 3feet and only our 3 year old could walk through in confidence. There are some aqueducts and bath houses in and around the tunnel.
Inside the Templar's tunnel
Entertainment in Akko should not be a question at all, there are numerous water bikers, kids jumping off the walls like in Caesarea, the view of Haifa and the evening sunsets...
a water biker
a school girl does the leap
a teenager leaps in style!
Haifa from Akko and the 2 Dan Panorama towers
Last but not the least, this is how a visit to Akko must end -
The Awww factor sunset by the Mediterranean!

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