Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Home in Haifa

I spoke about our home too early, not fully mentioning about what we did during our 3 weeks of stay at the Dan Panorama. First 2 weekends were fun packed (as you might see from my earlier posts) but the 3rd weekend was cough-packed with all of us having our first flu attack, some kind of pollen allergy in spring i suppose and we stuck indoors with a quiet beach visit on a sunny afternoon. The Haifa beach visits will have a dedicated post. So introducing our home that was -

After a week of house hunting and analyzing the pros and cons of the house-location-shopping, we decided to move into a house that had a beautiful beach view sit out and large windows in the master bedroom, so we could wake up to these every morning...
View from the balcony
The rainbow over the Mediterranean 
and enjoy a cuppa with these enchanting, never-can-you-get-bored-of sunsets. I'm not usually the "aww-ing" types, but the sunset by the sea did make me one!

"The origin of the name "Haifa" is unclear. According to historian Alex Carmel, it may come from the Hebrew verb root חפה (hafa), meaning to cover or shield, i.e. Mount Carmel covers Haifa.[10] Another possible origin of the name is the Arabic word حفَّ ("haffa") which means "beach", or the word حيفة meaning the "suburb" or "side of the city".[11] In turn some see a resemblance to the Hebrew word חוֹף (hof), also meaning beach, or חוֹף יָפֶה (hof yafe), meaning beautiful beach"


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