Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baha'i Gardens

Think of Haifa, you think of the beautiful Baha'i Gardens. The Gardens spread down the Carmel mountains starting from the Yefe Nof street down till the German colony. Unfortunately, we have not been inside the shrine since it was closed for renovation but were fortunate enough to walk through the gardens in the top half and the bottom half. The view of the gardens is breathtaking. I have seen the Baha'i  Shrine in New Delhi, but this one is matchless. The below pictures were taken at two different times in a year, the dome of the shrine is visible partially in the second, but is fully covered for renovation in the first image. The Baha'i shrine or the shrine of the Bab has a golden dome.

View from 45 YefeNof - the Gardens thr German colony to the Haifa port

As seen from the bottom of the hill from the end of the German colony

the gardens at level 0

The sweet surprise rainbows are one of the many things we miss about Haifa, Israel.

the rainbow and one of the eagle structures in the garden.

 We visited these gardens only after 6 months of our stay in Haifa. Wasn't that quick ? It is like not visiting Goa after having born and brought up in India. But that is the case with many Israelis, they travel like migrant birds but there are always a handful that have still not seen the garden in detail. There is one other Baha'i Shrine in Akko - we could not cover it. They fondly call the Baha'i gardens of Israel, Gan Baha'i, Gan meaning garden.

God is nature, nature is God.

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